Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2, 2009

Sufferings Ahead
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church Colossians 1:24
There are sufferings yet to be accomplished in the body of the Church that I was not able to suffer on the cross. Be patient, hold steady through the days that lie ahead, and know that the trials and sufferings are working toward a consuming glory.
Praise Me when the most difficult thing to do is to praise. This is the victory that overcomes the world.

We get a bit scared when we hear the word sufferings,  we want every thing to go rosie and nice, but life isn't that way, and when things are easy we think we can do it ourselves, but the sufferings the trials cause us to look for help, some look for it in temporary way, but God wants us to look for it in a permanent way, seeking his help.  What do you see as suffering in your life today?

Yesterday, Dad had an appointment in Grand Forks, and he also had a water pump to deal with, it was a trial that he doesn't like and they worked on itt til it was dark.  I hope that it works for a long time now.  I got my tooth fixed and I am really happy about that.  I did some more painting on the house.