Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009

Purity of Motive
Though I have all faith...and have not charity, I am nothing  1 Corinthians 13:2

Regardless of how sacred may be the nature of a ministry, it may be marred by a heart that is selfish or impure. Whatever does not spring out of pure love becomes only a hollow noise.  Let those who desire to serve continually offer up a yielded vessel that I may fill it with love. Only thus is it possible for any man to enter into the activity of the Spirit of God in a way that furthers the divine purpose.

What are our motives?  How many times have the motives originally been pure, but along the way self got in the way, and it became an"I" experience.  the same is true of ministries, they likely did start out pure and honest and holy, but somewhere along the way the leadership desired to become more famous, more in control and the vision and purpose was lost.  What does it say to us?  What are our motives right here in our homes?  Are we putting Christ first in our lives?

Father, search our hearts and our motives, lead us in the way you would have us to go.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, after school I went to Cando and cleaned church and then went to Bible Study, there were 14 there, the numbers are growing,  Dad missed because of work in the field.  He got to see Matt Neidlinger who is visiting his Grandma.  Matt and his wife have bought a boat,  their site is  if you want to see who they are and what they are doing.  Matt's dad was Vern and he was about Dad and my age.  This morning the cat was playing with a mouse, I got a hammer and wanted to get it but the cat let it go, so I got some traps, hope we have caught it by night.  Have a great day!!

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