Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25, 2009

Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation....
but the sorrow of the world worketh death
2 Corinthians 7:10

The storms of life may make shipwreck of a soul, but this may be purely destructive. The brokenness of spirit wrought by the hand of God becomes a constructive work. It is the godly sorrow unto repentance that brings Life.
True prayer is born out of brokenness. This brokenness is contrition for sins, tenderness of feeling, and gratitude for grace. If you let it work in your heart, it will surely draw you closer and closer to Me.

Are we willing to allow the pain in our lives to draw us to Jesus side?

Draw me, nearer, nearer oh Lord to thee.....

Yesterday was a good day, I went to Devils Lake for the DAR meeting, It is an enjoyable time and always a time to learn new things about history.  After the meeting Susan and I went to get items to send in a package to a soldier from Devils lake in the war zone.  When we got back to her house we organized the tiems in boxes and she made a list so it is ready to go to the post office.  I went down town to see Donna at the Bible Books Store, I hadn't seen her since her husband died, it was a good time of hearing from Donna. Ray is in God's hands and no more suffering.  The I did several other errands and in the end went to Edna's and we visited and then went to Brooke Lindenbergs wedding together.  It was a small church and a very nice wedding. The reception was at the memorial building.  It was catered by Mr and Mrs. J's.  Tom and Marge Hoffart were the ones doing the work, there were several others.  This was the best catered food that I have seen.  It was very good.  Edna and I sat across from a couple from Park River who had been in a Bible Study with Wayne and Karen, and she remembered them praying for a family.  Brooke was adopted and on the day of her first birthday Karen had Josh.  It was a good day, Dad was at home, I just wish he would do something, though he did go to town for the Sr. lunch.

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