Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Guard Against Foolishness
By thy words thou shalt be justified. and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.  Matthew 12:37

Guard your own spirit against foolishness. Thoughts of nonsense and empty words are utter waste.
All words are either actively good or actively negative, and if they are negative, they are destructive. They will nullify the testimony I would establish when you speak My words, so that if you mix the two, the good will be canceled out by the evil.
You cannot afford such carelessness. Let your every word be full of grace and taste of the saltiness of divine goodness.

I have had to learn in my life to be careful of the words that I use, I can not speak words in jesting, it just doesn't work for me, I am sure we have all had times when we have said something and regretted saying it,   Then we have that sick feeling inside of ourselves and wish that we could take back what we said.  I am thinkful that most of the time I can't think of any thing to say, that helps to keep me out of trouble.  I see students that say and do things that they probably would have been better to have not said.

Father, help us to chose our words wisely.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I was at Area Vo Tech in Devils Lake from 10-2  the foods students from Starkweather fixed food for the med students from Starkweather and Dakota Prairie(24 people)  They did a good job, probably a few stressful minutes getting it all together, but it is done.  After school I cleaned church and then went to Wagenman's for Bible study, when I got home I helped Dad get the trucks in from harvesting, Jerry and Chuck were on the combines.  Today it is raining, so we are thankful for what they got done.

Have a great day.