Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 22, 2009

Warring in the Spirit
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony Revelation 12:11

Only the one who is taught of the Spirit can war in the Spirit.  You must war, because there are enemies unseen to human eyes but constantly besieging the child of God.  But he is not left defenseless.  Heavenly protection is his as well as offensive weapons.  The sword of the Spirit, the blood of the Lamb, and the word of testimony are provided for every saint of God, but must be put into action in faith before they can bring about a deliverance.

Do you realize we are in a battle, and the forces of the enemy are unseen, but there.  God is calling us to put on the Armour of God and to pray in the spirit for his protection, and to apply the blood of Jesus.  Last year, I was doing some reading and read about the Armour of God,  God desires to put upon your head the Helmet of Salvation, and cover you with the breastplate of righteousness, that your loins would be gird with truth, your feet shod with the Gospel of Peace, that you would carry the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and that you would be covered with the shield of Faith.  I read where an individual would visually put on the Armour before they left the house,  I don't usually think about it til I get in the car, and then I try to remember and pray for each of you that God would protect you with his Armour.  Remember the story where they held up Moses hands as he prayed and they were winning, but if the arms went down they were defeated.  I feel that when I pray for you I am holding you up just like Moses raised his arms and there was victory.  Is there someone in your lives, maybe your family, that God would want you to do the same for them?  We are in a spiritual battle and God is preparing us for the battle that lies ahead.

I also would commend to you that there are many verses that are truly prayers, pray those verses.

Father, help us to take seriously the battle that is in our midst,  Help us to listen to your spirit as you speak to us and show us how to pray.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was a busy day,  I had DAR in Devils Lake in the morning, I went to a quilt show that was uptown. There was a gal there from Alamo, who had fabric from a foreign country, she actually goes there and helps the people learn how to sew and quilt.  I think she might be doing this through a Lutheran Church.  When I got home Dad was just leaving for the coffee hour at the Senior Center, so I joined them there.  Susan Werner's husband passed away.  Some of you might know Susan, and she is actually related to you.

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