Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5, 2009

On Coping with Success
Whosoever hath, to him shall be given....but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath  Matthew 13:12

Be never entangled by thoughts concerning the reactions of others to your ministry.  Minister, and follow the leading of the Spirit.  Search your heart, and pray for the strength to receive great results.
I may withhold blessings because I foresee your own unreadiness to receive.  Learn how to prepare your mind and heart to cope with success, otherwise when it comes you may by your very unreadiness undo the good that has been done.
I think when I reflect on my life, there were areas that I truly strived to be something that wasn't Gods will.  I know in the area of crafts/art and selling, that that wasn't God's desire for my life.  If I was to do anything it was to teach others and share by giving.  When I could come to that place to accept that as from God, life was a lot happier.  Now, I reflect on many opportunities that I did experience, things I learned to do, but that those seasons have now passed.  There came a time and a place where I really had a desire to be used by God,  and then as I would seek God, he would use me,  My life could have been a lot different if I hadn't been such a slow learner.  Today, I don't see success as an issue, I know that the way God wants to use me, I will not be in the limelight, It is to be his vessel and willing to serve in a very unnoticed way amongst people.

What is on your heart today?  Is there something that you desire to do? to be?  Do you struggle with having confidence to do it?  God wants to use each of us.  But not in the same way.  I encourage you to seek God for his desire for you.
Father we commit this day into your hands, guide our steps and direct our paths, lead us down the path you have chosen for us.  Open and close doors in our lives, so that we are directed to do your will for us.  In Jesus name.  Amen
Yesterday, we got a new student.  I didn't recognize the student at first, he just looked like a lot of others.  Then I heard his name, so I asked him, "what is your moms name?"  He is Native American and was adopted by a single lady, who has truly given her life to help him grow and become a successful person.  He met a girl from our school on the internet and now here he is in our school.  I know that God has brought him here, but how successful the situation will be, that I am not sure.  After school I cleaned our church and then Jack and I were at Bible Study.

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