Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25, 2009

I do not send storms

There is no the wicked Isaiah 57:21

Dear Jesus, in the hollow of Thy hand there is peace.  Do not ask Me to give you peace when you have removed yourself from My hand or if you are unwilling to rest quietly there. I give My peace to all who love and serve Me with singleness of heart.
I do not send storms upon your soul. they are generated by the pressures of your disobedience.
Only in repentance shall my people find peace, and only in singleness of heart shall they find joy.

These are strong words.  What have I allowed in my life that pulls me away from God?  What is making me stressed?  Could it be that God really doesn't desire for each of us to be doing some of the things we are doing?  Sometimes, somethings seems so simple and we think oh, I can do that, it will only take this amount of time, but with each thing that we say that to, we soon find ourselves overwhelmed by those little things and we loose the joy of the Lord.  He is calling us back to his side to be truly close to him.

Father, we come to you with a new day, new experiences and new challenges, Father, we pray for your help to discern what you really want us to do.  Speak into our hearts from your spirit and show us your desire for our lives.  Help us to be will vessels and to listen to what you are saying to us.

Yesterday was a school day not that there was really anything great about it.  Jack was with Frank while Alice took Dorothy to the Doctor.

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