Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10, 2009

/End-Time Tensions
Go out to battle for God is gone forth before thee  1 Chronicles 14:15

My grace and mercy are intensified, not in spite of but because of the tensions of the end-time.  My love is moving in surrendered hearts.
Lift up your heads.  For in the Spirit you shall listen and hear the sound of a great army readying for battle, and there shall be the sound of going in the tops of the mullbery trees and they who have been enlisted by the Spirit shall go forth conquering and to conqueror.
We are seeing and have seen in recent years great changes in our world.  It isn't the way it was.  A couple of nights ago Dad and I were listening to a tv program, where this was expressed, from a personal standpoint and from a national and world stand point.  A lot is happening and a lot that isn't being covered by news media.  Basically they are trying to put people into a scare mod, but when we keep our eyes focused on Jesus, he is the answer to what is happening.  WE know the Christ is returning and much has to happen for that to come to pass, and there isn't anything for us to fear, but to be personally ready by knowing Jesus in our hearts, the rest is in God's hands.  I was also reading and listening to a dvd,  God is causing people we know who are serving as missionaries in other countries to be sending missionaries from those countries to other places, and one of the places where they are being sent is to the US.    In a sense, what goes around comes around.  We are the country in need of missionaries.

Father, help us to keep our eyes focused on you, to surrender our desires to your will and to live an abundant life through our relationship with you. In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, I was at camp for part of the day.  Several other ladies were there with me and we have the kitchen cleaned.  I am thankful for those of you at the Fargo Marathon that it was a good experience.  We watched some of it on the TV.

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